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Amarjah's Musing -Myth, Mysticism & Meaning

Online Group Meditation

Friday Nights - 9 PM EDT_

(Ron Mangravite Email amarjah@gmail.com for details.. Gayle Clayton_

Group Meditation

Transformative Meditation


Why meditate? Seems like it would be boring...just being quiet and still for what seems like a painful eternity. Those were my thoughts when my teacher insisted that I was more than the best psychic he had ever met and needed to learn to meditate properly.

However, my perception of meditation shifted immediately when I sat with a true master. Something almost indescribeable happened. My head changed inside. There was a clearness and calmness I had never experienced so acutely before. I wasn't thinking, but I was quite aware.

Not only that... but there was a rush of energy that so charged my body that the hair stood up on my arms.

In the next moment, I was alone in the deepest darkest black velvet of space...formless, but aware. A desire arose and a star appeared in the far distance. Without form, I could still sense movement to approach the light. It was then I felt myself on the event horizon of a black hole.

And that was my first meditation with Ron Mangravite in Norcross, GA. I knew few people there and being naturally shy was afraid to describe anything in front of the group. However, at break, I found Ron alone for a moment and asked him,

"Do you know what a black hole is?"

"Yes, he said. Why?"

"Because in that meditation, I felt like I was on the event horizon."

Group Meditation

Transformative Meditation

Gayle Clayton

He never reacted in the slightest despite the fact a novice had just described the highest levels in his meditation map. However, his group wasn't at that place at that time. Only years later and weeks before his death, I submitted a draft of the meditation book that was to become "Transformative Meditation" outlining the stages one progresses through on their way to enlightenment.

Needless to say, I was hooked on meditation.

Group Meditation

We don't meditate as individuals; we drop our egos and form one circle. When I am teaching, I can feel where everyone is, hear thoughts as they arise, and feel the bodies ache when they sit too long. For years I taught beginners successfully in this manner at the renown Omega Institute when I worked there as core faculty. So here are some reasons to meditate as a group:

1. It is EASIER to meditate with others doing the same discipline.

2. You have the ability to interact and share with others.

3. You receive feedback as to your personal barriers to more aware states of consciousness.

Man in the Mirror

Before the Strangeness

Transformative Meditation is a way to refine your self into communion with a higher power of your own understanding. The grand prize is transcendence; second place is enlightenment.

Come join us for a sitting - - - hope to see you there.



Rons Email

star divider

Amarjah Wisdom School

Every journey begins with a single step. Contact us today at amarjah@gmail.com.

Many circle the mountain examining the various paths without ever making the climb. We offer seminars, consultations, and support networks in the spiritual quest for awakening. We are not affiliated with organized religions as the truth is the same when viewed from the mountain summit regardless of the path to reach it.

Theevolution of consciousness has brought us here - to remind of us of who we are and our purpose here. We are seekers who embrace skepticism, acceptance and the strength in unity. We are greater than the sum of the parts in a greater spiritual work.

“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” Soren Kierkegaard divider

Namasté = the light of the divine within me honors the light of the divine within you.