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Every day we change our home page to reflect a new perspective of the unfolding of truth in our understanding. When you click on the index to musings button, there is a listing of topics that provice a holographic construct of the hidden mysteries of the world.No truth may be told directly but requires an assemblage of many perspectives to apprehend the whole.



snake eating his tail

Amarjah's Musing -Myth, Mysticism & Meaningm

The Sphinx


Cosmic A

The Riddles

No one may know the mysteries without first canswering the questions of the sphinx.

A sphinx is a mythological creature depicted as a feline with a human head. Among the Egyptians, sphinxes at the entrance of the temple guarded the mysteries, by warning those who entered that they should be silent of the mysteries to the uninitiated. The sphinx is the portal to the hidden gods, and that the knowledge of the innermost sanctuaries was revealed to the initiates only.

The sphinx is found in many cultures and civilizations, but the Egyptian sphinx still guards the wisdom of the ages from the casual tourist.

Cosmic A

Invoking the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

The rituals we did long ago at the little house near Athens, GA brought Ancient Egypt or Kemet to the present. The energy transformed us, made us wonder, inspired quests, and awakened us.

As we ended a major outdoor ritual honoring the equinox, I waited on the front porch for the initiates to return one by one as they were ready. I could feel the divine flowing through me and there was a warm glow in the air.

As the young man A. approached, I smiled. He had so much prescence and insight. However, he kept shying away from the two small steps that led to the porch. A. is a powerful man and yet he seemed unable or unwilling to pass through.


Later he described the porch to be a Hall of Gold and the light to be intensely bright. Perhaps more amazing to him, he felt his ears and nose lengthen as he transformed into the jackel headed god, Anubis.

There is a natural process to prepare for the revelation of the mysteries... look...it is there for all with the eyes to see.

Oedipus and the Sphinx

The Greek Sphinx

The Sphinx guarded the entrance to the city of Thebes, and asked a riddle of travelers to allow them passage. The exact riddle asked by the Sphinx was not specified by early tellers of the stories.

Hera or Ares sent the Sphinx from her Ethiopian homeland to Thebes in Greece where she asks all passersby the most famous riddle in history:

"Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?"

She strangled and devoured anyone unable to answer. Oedipus solved the riddle by answering: Man—who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane in old age.

Sometimes there was a second riddle: "There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first."

The answer is "day and night" (both words are feminine in Greek).

Bested at last, the tale continues, the Sphinx then threw herself from her high rock and died.


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Amarjah Wisdom School

Every journey begins with a single step. Contact us today at amarjah@gmail.com.

Many circle the mountain examining the various paths without ever making the climb. We offer seminars, consultations, and support networks in the spiritual quest for awakening. We are not affiliated with organized religions as the truth is the same when viewed from the mountain summit regardless of the path to reach it.

Theevolution of consciousness has brought us here - to remind of us of who we are and our purpose here. We are seekers who embrace skepticism, acceptance and the strength in unity. We are greater than the sum of the parts in a greater spiritual work.divider

Namasté = the light of the divine within me honors the light of the divine within you.