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Privacy US Census Concer

nunder construction

The 2010 census taker knocked on my door today even though the

US Census


form had already been returned. The US Law only requires that a census be taken, not that its citizens must reveal more than the number of people living at a residence.

Despite that, honoring the intent I dutifully noted how many resided at this residence, answered NO further questions, and dropped the form in the mail. It seems that the US government wants to know more about me.

Why is the Census Bureau using Global Positioning Systems (GPS)?

You can click on that link for their official answer.


By the way, whose info did the US Army use to internJapanese-descent Americans during World War II? Being a responsible citizen is one thing, but being aware of meeting the law is all that is required. Your rights and civil liberties are yours, but only if you know and use them. No need to volunteer more than is necessary. Sorry, I decline to answer further questions. Let them google.

Google, a company I learned of years ago, has become the corporate entity it set out to displace. Their free tools now cost my privacy in emails, web searches, and ad patronage. Ever notice how when you read your gmail account, the ads to the right seem to key right in on the subject. That is no accident. One day, a new application suddenly appeared...BUZZ = An application I did not install or give permission to be automaticaly loaded onto my account.

Their GoogleEarth which is astoundingly beautiful also gathered emails and wifi info while they crawled your town for the photos displayed. Their satellite photo resolution is good enough to identify my neighbor exiting his truck in the driveway. When I inform friends to google "Mayberry," they are able to virtually travel down this small downtown Main Street to the front door of my office. Unfortunately, google may have gone just past the boundaries of the law with their roving vans.

Need a quick phone number or location? Google it.

For months one can ignore the Facebook temptation until a long lost friend contacts. Careful... the social network is collecting data on you. That cute application or game you just played? Look at your privacy settings - your terms and conditions allow your friends to release information on you. Yes, you can change them, but you have to be AWARE to change them. Notice the like buttons on websites - that data is being transferred to and from your friends.


So - you're not hiding anything...why should you be concerned?

By the way, here is a spiffy little tool to help you determine if your facebook data is protected and to help you regain privacy.

Data mining - search your own info on spokeo.com . Yes, some of the info is erroneous, but they are obviously mining the web aggregating your info.

Privacy may be difficult if not impossible. In London, you may be filmed and photographed several times daily just walking down the street. Your photographs on the web can be utilized by anyone no matter how hard you strive to protect them. US copyright law means little when Google has scanned your entire book on the web.

Become aware. In universal law recorded in such things as the Akashic Records there are no secrets. There is only the illusion we are separate and private. Until then, SMILE and say Cheese.


Carly Simon's We Have No Secrets



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Amarjah Wisdom School

Many circle the mountain examining the various paths without ever making the climb. We offer seminars, consultations, and support networks in the spiritual quest for awakening. We are not affiliated with organized religions as the truth is the same when viewed from the mountain summit regardless of the path to reach it.

The evolution of consciousness has brought us here - to remind of us of who we are and our purpose here. We are seekers who embrace skepticism, acceptance and the strength in unity. We are greater than the sum of the parts in a greater spiritual work.divider

Namasté = the light of the divine within me honors the light of the divine within you.