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Amarjah's Musing -Myth, Mysticism & Meaning

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Full Moon

Harvest Moon

solstice diagram

If you look closely, you will see a faint image of Jupiter near the palm as it arose with the full moon last night. If you examine this photograph even closer, you can learn the exact location where it was taken. Gulp - wonders what photos I uploaded yesterday to facebook.

That's right - if you upload your photos to the web with a newer phone/camera they could reveal your geographic location. With the proliferation of smartphones containing GPS locator technology the cameras in these devices are already equipped with specialized hardware to automatically add geolocation information to the pictures at the time they are taken.

For most of us, this is not a concern, but what if it is your child? What if someone is stalking you? Or a criminal is staking out your house for a robbery?

Raise your awareness about how much information you may be unintentionally sharing online. We trade privacy for convenience. Big brother is finally awake and aware.

star divider

Amarjah Wisdom School

Every journey begins with a single step. Contact us today at amarjah@gmail.com.

Many circle the mountain examining the various paths without ever making the climb. We offer seminars, consultations, and support networks in the spiritual quest for awakening. We are not affiliated with organized religions as the truth is the same when viewed from the mountain summit regardless of the path to reach it.

Theevolution of consciousness has brought us here - to remind of us of who we are and our purpose here. We are seekers who embrace skepticism, acceptance and the strength in unity. We are greater than the sum of the parts in a greater spiritual work.divider

Namasté = the light of the divine within me honors the light of the divine within you.